how will italian’s coexist with the virus after the lockdown?
Yesterday, in his televised speech, Prime Mister Giuseppe Conte declared “fase 2,” or “phase 2” of Italia’s Coronavirus crisis. In other words, he briefly communicated the regulations that will be implemented after the 2 month lockdown. With reassessment in mid-May, these new ordinances will remain in place until a vaccination or other solution has been found.
“if you love italy, you must keep your distance…”
Conte emphasized a reality that shows a tremendous faith in the people. The easing of restrictions MUST be supported by a responsible and accountable population. The virus is still a threat and could, again, become the terror it was in these two last month. If Italy is to have any chance of regaining a sense of normalcy, the population must engage in responsible and thoughtful behavior. The people must respect the guidelines and proceed with caution and attention. The recovery ahead is a marathon, not a sprint.
Uplifts in regulations will be implemented slowly after May 4th, the last day of the 2 month lockdown, with careful reassessments along the way.
The auto-certification form declaring movement will be required for a few more weeks after the lockdown.
Movement Outside/Parks and Gardens
People will be allowed to take walks around their own neighborhood, keeping a distance of 1 meter apart unless they live together.
There can be no group gatherings.
If jogging or running, individuals must keep a 2 meter distance.
There will be access to parks and gardens; however, each individual city will determine their access with assessment of social distancing rules.
Children’s playgrounds will NOT be reopened.
Masks (in Toscana)
Masks are required when in any public space. Children under six are not required to wear masks.
The prices of masks, which are distributed in pharmacies and/or delivered to homes, are fixed at 50 cents per mask. The people are asked to respect the alphabetical criterion in regards to picking up the masks - Monday, last names starting with letters A to L, Tuesday, L to Z, alternating in this way for the remainder of the week.
Movement Between Regions
Movement to other regions is prohibited, unless essential for work and/or declared admissible.
Movement within the region of residence is allowed. Residents of Toscana will be able to move within Toscana with the auto-certification form. This is still quite unclear.
Visiting Relatives and Friends
Relatives within the same region can visit each other, respecting the social distancing measures and wearing masks.
No large family gatherings or parties are allowed.
Those more vulnerable to the virus or with a temperature over 37.5 ℃ are required to stay home.
It is still unclear whether it will be possible to visit any friends. Clarification in regards to this will most likely be made by May 4th.
Funerals and Religious Services
Funerals with a maximum of 15 people are permitted, respecting social distancing measures and the use of masks.
Religious services will remain closed
Eating Out
People will be able to pickup/takeaway from restaurants or bars. However, the order must be consumed at home or in the place of work.
No dine-in at restaurants will be allowed until June, pending reassessment.
Those working in textiles, fashion, automotive, glass, the extractive industry, and the manufacture of furniture were allowed to begin work today, April 27th.
Wholesale manufacturing businesses will be allowed to reopen on May 4th.
Other smaller business will be able to reopen on May 18th.
However, working from home is still encouraged, if possible.
Sites and Shops
For now, it is said that starting May 18th, cultural institutions, museums, libraries, retail shops will be able to reopen.
Athletic training for teams can resume.
Restaurants and Salons
For now, it is said that starting June 1st, bars, restaurants, salons, beauty and spas centers, will be allowed to resume their in-house activity (accepting customers) with respect to social distance measures. Customers and employees must wear masks.
Public Transportation:
Each region and town/city will manage the organization of public transportation. This is in prevention of overcrowding.
Any “rush hour” situation or crowding must be prevented.
Masks will be required for anyone using public transportation.
Overall, a lot still remains unclear to the public. Many questions are still unanswered. This is to be expected given the novel situation of this pandemic. Our cities are doing the best they can to balance public safety and health with economic viability and normalcy. Given that “phase 2” will take place over an extended period of time, the only thing we can do is carry on with our patience and take responsible action.
“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”
- C.S. Lewis